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Common Myths and Misunderstandings about Hypnosis

  • "I don't think I can be hypnotized": Anyone can be hypnotized if they are willing and open. Sometimes a person might not realize that they are in a hypnotic trance because it does not feel much different from a normal waking state.
  • Losing control: You cannot be made to do anything that you are not basically willing to do. People who "cluck like chickens" for "entertainment" hypnosis are those who don't mind "clucking".
  • Hypnosis is "being asleep": most people are aware of what is happening while they are in a hypnotic trance state. You can hear what is happening and can come "out of" hypnosis if you chose at any time. In cases where pain reduction or anesthesia is needed you will be trained to go into deeper states like somnambulant states, which can be like sleep.
  • "I won't remember the session": although some people do not recall all of the session, most people have memory of what happens in the session. When hypnosis is used for therapeutic purposes, the person usually does recall what is important for them to remember.
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